Rules of Road – Made for Everyone’s Safety

A recent incident that T.A.C.T. 48 was called out on involved an unfortunate encounter between a car and bicyclist. It is so important to be vigilant in paying attention to your surroundings when on city streets.
In Arizona, it is legal for bicycles to ride in the traffic lanes, as long as they adhere to the same street laws as motorists. The Arizona Department of Public Safety gives some reminders for both motorists and bicyclists alike.
For Cyclists
- Follow lane markings
- Check for oncoming traffic
- Ride defensively on the road
- Be visible and be seen
- Ride on the right side of the road
- Obey traffic control devices (signs, signals, lane markings)
For Motorists
- Drive cautiously
- Yield to cyclist
- Be considerate
- Pass with care
- Watch kids on bikes!!! They don’t yet know and follow traffic laws
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