The Chronicles of T.A.C.T. 48 /AZ - Sept Edition

Fact: We’re All Hoarders
Hoarding, as defined by Merriam-Webster, refers to the "practice of collecting or accumulating something." While collecting items is not inherently harmful—most of us do so to some degree—problems arise when this turns into a compulsion. If someone feels an overwhelming need to accumulate items and experiences significant distress when attempting to discard them, it can lead to unhealthy living conditions.
Hoarding is often assessed on a scale from 1 to 5, with attention to these levels helping to prevent the issue from worsening. Individuals may compulsively buy multiple items they don’t use, causing waste of both goods and money. The state of their homes often prevents them from inviting others in, leading to isolation and potential hazards.
Cleaning a hoarder's home can be daunting and typically requires outside help. A professional can objectively evaluate what to keep, donate, or discard. Depending on the severity, restoring the home to a healthy state might involve removing not just clutter but also damaged flooring, furniture, or mattresses. Once the home is cleared, ongoing support is crucial to prevent a relapse and maintain a healthier environment. Contact T.A.C.T. if you are in need of assistance in your home. We pride ourselves on being professional, empathetic and discreet.
Community Outreach Events
As part of our continued endeavors to give information to our community on the importance of professional services when dealing with the aftereffects of a tragic event resulting in biohazard, T.A.C.T. joined both the Arizona Homicide Investigation Association’s (AHIA) and the Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police (AACOP) annual meetings. Our First Responders are there to help the community in their times of need but, as with everything, their job must come to an end at some point, and it definitely ends before any clean up is necessary. So, we attend these events so that we can let them know how we can help the community after they leave a scene including the remediation and assistance with insurance claims so there is little out of pocket expense to the victims.
We sincerely thank everyone who assisted in setting up these events and allowing us to be a vendor.
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